IASPEI GT reference events: interactive event arrivals search

Search arrivals associated to events in the IASPEI reference events at specific stations. Search for:
  • arrival-times
  • travel-time residuals
  • time-defining phases
  • amplitudes
Search for station locations and event locations from the interactive map below.

To complete a search without the interactive interface, or to use specific station names, use the standard search page:

IASPEI reference events: Event arrivals search

Output format:
CSV file ISF 2.1 associated arrivals ISF 1 associated arrivals QuakeML (XML stream)


Open map to select a region:

Selected coordinates :

Select station(s) by code:
Station (comma separated list acccepted):

Select region for EVENTS:

Open map to select a region:

   Selected coordinates:

Search arrivals with:

Arrival-time data
Travel-time residuals
Time-defining phases
Amplitude data
Phase name: (leave blank for all phases; comma separated list accepted)

Select time period for events:

Start date: Time (HH:MM:SS):
End date: Time (HH:MM:SS):

Optional event limits:

Min depth (km): Max depth (km): Include events with unknown depths:
Min magnitude: Max magnitude: Include events with unknown magnitudes:
Magnitude type
(use CTRL for multiple types):

Output options:

Output links in the output.

About the event arrivals search

Use this page to search for arrivals/phase data for the IASPEI Reference Events. Data can be returned both for specific stations and for specific events. Returned data for individual arrivals at each station includes arrival times, travel-time residuals, a flag for time-defining phases, amplitudes, and the prime (IASPEI) hypocentre for each event.

Output format

  • CSV formatted arrivals:
  • A fixed format, comma separated output, with one line per arrival. For a full explanation of each field, see the csv arrivals output page .

  • IMS1.0 associated arrivals:
  • The International Monitoring System 1.0 (IMS1.0) is a fixed format output for exchanging data, developed for use in monitoring the Comprehensive Test Ban Treaty. The 'associated arrivals' is a subtype within this format that lists arrivals associated to an event. For a full explanation of the format, please view the documentation for IMS1.0 (pdf).

  • QuakeML:
  • QuakeML is an XML representation of seismological data. Data are output as an XML stream using the QuakeML XML Schema, version 1.1. Similar to the CSV output, only the prime origin is output for each event. This output is not designed for use in a browser and will cause browsers to crash for large queries. For a complete explanation of the schema, please view the documentation on the QuakeML site.

Search arrivals

  • Arrival-time data:
  • If ticked, only arrivals with arrival-time data will be returned (some amplitudes do not have an arrival-time).

  • Travel-time residuals:
  • If ticked, only arrivals with travel-time residuals will be returned. Travel-time residuals are computed from the ak135 Earth model.

  • Time-defining phases:
  • If ticked, only arrivals which are time-defining will be returned. Time-defining phases are those phases which are used in the computation of the prime hypocentre.

  • Amplitude data:
  • If ticked, only arrivals with amplitudes will be returned.

  • Phase name:
  • By specifying a specific phase name (or list of phases), only arrivals from those phases will be returned (E.g. P, Pg, PKPdf, S, etc. ). The standard nomenclature for seismic phases approved by IASPEI is detailed in Storchak et al. (2003) and are listed here.


To specify stations to search for arrivals, you may either provide a station code (or a list of station codes in a comma separated list), or you may define a search region (rectangular, circular, global, Flinn-Engdahl region), which will search stations from the International Registry of Seismograph stations.

Search region for EVENTS

There are four possible methods for defining a search region (rectangular, circular, global, Flinn-Engdahl region). Leaving fields blank, will automatically default to a global search. To interactively define a search region, using customised shapes, please use the interactive search page. The defined region is used to check only the prime hypocentre.

Time period

This is the start and end date to search for events. Only the prime hypocentre will be searched to match events - i.e. origin times for secondary hypocentres will not influence the results.

Unknown depths

As some events have no determined depth, you may optionally choose to include events with unknown depths in the search. This will return events which match any selected depth constraint you enter as well as events with no depth.

Unknown magnitudes

As some events have no determined magnitude, you may optionally choose to include events with unknown magnitude values in the search. This will return events which match any selected magnitude constraint you enter as well as events with no magnitude value.

Magnitude type

Limit events by magnitude for specific magnitude types. Due to the large number of magnitude types and the various notation used, the selected type will search all magnitudes of that type. E.g. MB will match all body-wave magnitudes: mb, mB, MB, mb1mx, etc.

Output links

This provides links for each event to the full Bulletin listing. There are also links for each author to provide the full agency details.