CSV focal mechanisms output

The CSV output for the focal mechanism search produces one line per solution. Click here to load an example.

Each line has 35 fields, which are preformatted and comma separated. Each field is in one of 7 groups:


Group Title Position Description
EVENTEVENTID1-9Unique id number specific to each ISC event.
ORIGINAUTHOR11-19Author of the origin linked to the focal mechanism solution.
ORIGINDATE21-30Origin date.
ORIGINTIME32-42Origin time.
ORIGINLAT44-51Origin latitude.
ORIGINLON53-61Origin longitude.
ORIGINDEPTH63-67Origin depth (km).
ORIGINCENTROID69-76Flag set to TRUE if the origin is reported as a centroid. Note: if the flag is not set to true, there is still a possibility that the origin is a centroid but was not reported as such.
FM AUTHORAUTHOR78-86Author of the focal mechanism solution - often but not always the same as the author of the origin.
MOMENTEX88-89Exponent used to convert the scalar moment to units of Nm.
MOMENTMO91-95Scalar moment.
MOMENTMW97-100Moment magnitude.
MOMENT TENSOR COMPONENTSEX102-103Exponent used to convert the moment tensor components to units of Nm.
MOMENT TENSOR COMPONENTSMRR105-110One of six independent moment tensor components.
MOMENT TENSOR COMPONENTSMTT112-117One of six independent moment tensor components.
MOMENT TENSOR COMPONENTSMPP119-124One of six independent moment tensor components.
MOMENT TENSOR COMPONENTSMRT126-131One of six independent moment tensor components.
MOMENT TENSOR COMPONENTSMTP133-138One of six independent moment tensor components.
MOMENT TENSOR COMPONENTSMPR140-145One of six independent moment tensor components.
NODAL PLANESSTRIKE147-152Strike of 1st nodal plane.
NODAL PLANESDIP154-158Dip of 1st nodal plane.
NODAL PLANESRAKE160-166Rake of 1st nodal plane.
NODAL PLANESSTRIKE168-173Strike of the 2nd nodal plane.
NODAL PLANESDIP175-179Dip of the 2nd nodal plane.
NODAL PLANESRAKE181-187Rake of the 2nd nodal plane.
PRINCIPAL AXESEX189-190Exponent used to convert the eigenvalues of the principal axes to units of Nm.
PRINCIPAL AXEST_VAL192-197Eigenvalue of the T-axis.
PRINCIPAL AXEST_PL199-203Plunge of the T-axis.
PRINCIPAL AXEST_AZM205-210Azimuth of the T-axis.
PRINCIPAL AXESP_VAL212-217Eigenvalue of the P-axis.
PRINCIPAL AXESP_PL219-223Plunge of the P-axis.
PRINCIPAL AXESP_AZM225-230Azimuth of the P-axis.
PRINCIPAL AXESN_VAL232-237Eigenvalue of the N-axis.
PRINCIPAL AXESN_PL239-243Plunge of the N-axis.
PRINCIPAL AXESN_AZM245-250Azimuth of the N-axis.